
Virtually Back to School: Parents and IEPs

Virtually Back to School: Parents and IEPs

Does your child have an IEP? This week we’re helping parents navigate remote learning this semester! Read on to find out how Present Pal can help #UDL #IEP #Accessibility #RemoteLearning

Remote learning series

Remote learning series

Wondering how to navigate presentations in a remote setting? 🤨 Check out our new remote learning blog series! This week our tips are for #Educators navigating the remote classroom! #UDL #RemoteLearning

Present Pal 2.5.1 - What's New?

Present Pal 2.5.1 -  What's New?

Present Pal has undergone a sparkling reformation, with version 2.2.5 now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store! Since launching in September, we’ve been busy bees collecting your feedback to ensure that we found any little glitches or potential improvements. This update features shiny new improvements such as bug fixes, new dyslexia-friendly fonts, and language changes.