What Is Your Learning Style?

Have you ever sat down to start writing an essay or been asked a question in a tutorial and you feel like you can’t quite grasp the concept? But you know that you’re capable of understanding but you feel like you don’t have the right tools? 

For university students especially, everyone’s learning style is different and, when you have a disability or are neurodivergent, finding the best ways you learn is crucial for meeting your needs in your educational development. You could be a rainbow highlighter, doodle and diagrams kind of person, or you might prefer to take a more physical and hands-on approach with your learning. 

That’s where we come in - Present Pal is an accessible presentation support app that prepares and guides you through presentations in the style that works for you, using interactive flashcards.

So before you get started with your presentation, it’s important to find out which learning model suits you best, to alleviate some anxiety and give you the best chances of public speaking success. 

The VARK model

The VARK model is the most widely accepted theory for different learning styles. Look at each one below to see what might be the best fit for you. Many people have a dominant learning style, but you could also have a hybrid learning style - there is no right or wrong answer. 


What are memletics?

In addition to the VARK model, memletics looks at other ways of learning that relate more to cognitive function, and these can be combined with VARK learning styles to help you better understand how you learn and why.

  • Verbal 

  • Logical (mathematical)

  • Social (interpersonal)

  • Solitary (intrapersonal) 

Now you know more about your learning style, you have the right foundation to get started with your presentation task! The more that you try different methods of learning the more you’ll realize the ones which work best for you and your individual needs.  

Keen to learn more presentation and public speaking tips? Have a read here.

Looking for access to Present Pal? Find out more.